Hotel 81

Accessibility & Affordability

Project Info

Website | UI/UX

This was a project to redesign Hotel 81 websites and create display search fields on the homepage. The goal was to simplify the booking process and navigation, with better visual design that strengthens the Hotel 81 brand.

My Role

Led a team of two to design visuals and conduct simple usability testing, and worked with an external developer for the programming of the display search fields.

Hotel 81 - Accessibility & Affordability - Portfolio


With more than 20 properties online, the previous website uses a traditional “Book Now” button and users have to navigate to each individual hotel page to make a booking.


Simple usability testing was run to solve the problem, collaborating with the various stakeholders.

Hotel 81 - Accessibility & Affordability - Portfolio

Hotel 81 - Accessibility & Affordability - Portfolio


The booking process is further simplified thus reducing the number of steps needed to make reservations. Additionally, data shows positive user engagement and conversion.

Data is not reflected here for confidentiality reasons.

Hotel 81 - Accessibility & Affordability - Portfolio

Hotel 81 - Accessibility & Affordability - Portfolio

What’s next

Improving the display search field UI and additional fields for a more focused engagement.